Are You Ready to Feel Like Yourself Again?

Toronto Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

Womens Toronto Health Doctor Cara Flamer

Are You Ready to Feel Like Yourself Again?

Toronto Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

Cara Flamer, M.D. – Toronto Bioidentical Hormone Doctor

Toronto Bioidentical Hormone Doctor, Cara Flamer, M.D. is a Family Physician who specializes in hormone optimization using natural, bio-identical hormones. Dr. Flamer and her staff embrace a philosophy of holistic, patient-centered care. Ultimately, we feel that each patient deserves to feel the very best they can. We believe that most people underestimate how much control they actually have in how they feel on a day-to-day basis, and strive to empower each patient to take charge of their own wellness: mind, body, and spirit.

Cara Flamer, M.D. Toronto Women's Health Specialist

“In order to truly be healthy, we must recognize that health is not just physical. There are spiritual, mental, emotional, and energetic aspects to being completely healthy. Someone can take the best supplements, have their hormones balanced, and have perfect scores on their blood tests yet still be unhealthy and at risk for disease. There needs to be an alignment of body, mind and spirit for the body to thrive. Emotions, thoughts, and subconscious belief systems must also be acknowledged and optimized if true and lasting health is your goal.”

Dr. Cara Flamer

Toronto Bioidentical Hormone Therapy for Women

Women’s Health

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) is a powerful and therapeutic option for women as a treatment for declining hormone levels and hormone imbalances. Unlike traditional hormone replacement therapy programs, bioidentical hormones contain the exact chemical structure as the hormones that your body produces naturally.

Learn More About Our Approach

As a holistic medicine practitioner, Cara Flamer, M.D. of Toronto believes in the underlying principles to holistic care:

  • Most people possess the innate ability to heal themselves.
  • Holistic solutions involve finding and treating the root cause of the problem, not just the symptoms.
  • Every woman is unique and deserves a personalized approach to her treatment.

Holistic healing involves a cooperative partnership between patient and doctor. It also takes into account every aspect of the patient’s life and uses an array of healthcare practices to ensure the best possible treatment outcome.

Middle-aged women and men who come to Dr. Cara Flamer have often tried traditional treatments for relief of menopausal and low testosterone symptoms with little success. Not only did their hot flashes, fatigue, and other symptoms not go away, the problems actually got worse in some cases. Additionally, a lot of men and women aren’t comfortable with the serious side effects associated with synthetic and pharmaceutical remedies.

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy is a natural way to bring your hormones into optimal balance in a safe and natural way without the risk of side effects. The molecular make-up of the plants from which replacement hormones are made is so similar that they are called bio-identical. When you consider that synthetic hormone replacement use fabricated and manufactured ingredients, it’s easy to understand why Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy has a history of proven results and synthetic treatments are constantly under fire due to safety concerns. When a foreign substance is introduced in the body, it’s much more likely to be rejected, yet when Bioidentical Hormones are introduced into the body, they match the naturally occurring substances they were designed to, causing symptom relief and real healing results.

Symptoms of hormonal imbalance are very common amongst women and men of all ages. If you think you are experiencing symptoms of hormonal imbalance, please explore our site to learn more about natural hormones and call or email us to book a consultation.

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